Missförstånd och konflikter tar enormt mycket energi. I arbetsgruppen gäller det att lära sig känna igen var missförstånden uppstår och hitta sätt att kommunicera som gör att vi vill förstå varandra. På inspirationsseminariet Missförstå mig rätt! tar vi upp de avgörande faktorerna för att du och din arbetsgrupp ska fungera bättre tillsammans. Några av landets bästa och mest inspirerande...Read More
Svar på en fråga från en nybliven VD om vad han ska göra på sin första kickoff. Han hade redan fått några svar från konsulter och jag kände att det behövdes lite nyansering.—————— Det är svårt att ge några generiska råd till en ny VD. Det är så många faktorer att väga in som tex...Read More
Those of you who have read my Ten Commandments for Leaders will notice that some of these commandments are the same. I hope that makes sense to you, it does to me! •1. Listen: No one knows everything! You don’t have to be an expert on every issue! •2. Always say your mind! You are...Read More
Every year for the past couple years I have taken a look at my suggestions for being successful in the new year, updating them and then re-blogging them. I hope you like this years updates. I remember as a child when we went on some cross country vacations in the car. We could drive accross the USA to go...Read More
This is the time for compassion and understanding. This is the place for forgiveness and acceptance. The battle between good and evil is not a battle between nations, religious or political factions, races or even between individuals. It is a struggle within the hearts and minds of each and every one of us. The battle...Read More
When I first came to Sweden 30 years ago there were many foods that we not available here. One of them was good barbeque sauce. So I did my homework and came up with my own recipes for some of the things I missed most. Today there are many good barbeque sauces on the grocery...Read More
Vi är på en resa tillsammans. Det kräver hårt arbete och ibland kör vi i diket eller åker vilse, det ingår i resan, men vi kommer också att få uppleva mycket spännande. Vi får möjlighet att växa som mäniskor, att hjälpa andra och skapa mening i tillvaron. Vi har en riktning men ingen slutdestination. Det...Read More
1. Respect the line. If you have a ticket they will let you get on. Don’t go to the front of the line and ”merge” in front of 150 people who actually are in line. We see you even if you pretend to be invisible. 2. Have your boarding card, ID, etc. out before you...Read More
Last year I published 10 Commandments for success in 2013. After a bit more reflection I have updated them and made some additions and substractions. Hope you get some good out of them and have a great 2014. For me 2014 will be an exciting time with the publication of my first book that is...Read More
Is just me or is the debate around tax cuts for the wealthy and increasing minimum wage getting a little crazy? Somehow many conservative politicians are trying to convince us that if wealthy people get even wealthier it will be good for the economy. At the same time they are trying to keep minimum wage as low...Read More