A few weeks ago the weather was bad so I went to the gym and was running on the treadmill. In order to pass the time I was watching a debate program on a Swedish television station. The program dealt with two issues. One was a debate about the fact that apparently Swedes eat more candy than any other people in the world. According to the program a whopping 17 kgs per person are consumed annually by Swedes. This part of the program didn’t amount to much since it is hard for anyone to argue that eating that much candy is good for you.
The other debate was much more interesting. It was about how long oil is going to last. In this debate were people who argued that the oil supply would peak within 3 to 5 years and others representing the oil industry that said oil wouldn’t peak until 40 years. What struck me in the debate is the realization that sometime between now and 40 years will be the peak! 40 years isn’t a long time away! With a wee bit of luck I may still be kicking then and my children will be in the middle of their lives.
We have to crack this nut now because tomorrow we may have to work in the dark…
I love readding, and thanks for your artical...................................................