For my Swedish speaking friends you can now have a look at lots of video clips from one of my lectures which I have called ”The Ten Commandments for Leaders”. You can either what an entire lecture of 50 minutes, a 9 minute trailer or see each commandment seperately as a 1-2 minute mini-clip. I...Read More
The sad thing about a wacko pastor in a tiny church in Florida burning Korans is that his views are shared by many other so called Christians. I find it hard to believe that anyone that really bought-in to the fundamental message of Christianity could carry so much hatred inside them (love your neighbor, turn...Read More
I am sitting in the shade under one of the apple trees in my garden reading one of Sweden’s daily newspapers. The world championship in football is now over so the papers can’t seem to find much to write about, except of course the upcoming parliamentary elections this fall. Fortunately for the general public there...Read More
I am riding on the train on the way home from a very interesting speaking engagement at a management conference for a 50 year old company with patented industrial solutions. I can’t help but think about the similarities this company has with so many others. The company is a powerful global player in their industry....Read More
Efficiency and productivity in business has always been about getting the most bang for the buck from the resources we pay for directly. The environmental crisis has made us aware that we also have to include resources we don’t pay for directly in our efficiency and productivity models.Read More
Leadership is not something one is born with. Leadership is a skill set that more than anything is learned. Some very few of us may have been born with a natural talent that makes it easier for us to develop as leaders. Just like some very few are born with good musical talent. These few...Read More
A few weeks ago the weather was bad so I went to the gym and was running on the treadmill. In order to pass the time I was watching a debate program on a Swedish television station. The program dealt with two issues. One was a debate about the fact that apparently Swedes eat more...Read More
Have you noticed how more and more often job ads specify personality traits together with competencies required for the job. In fact it wouldn’t be to harsh to say that it looks like many companies are trying to recruit the very same person or at least people with very similar personality traits. The truth is...Read More