Someone asked me an interesting question. ”How do our cognitive abilities get any structure without adhering to some sort of ideology?” My answer: Structure and substance are too different things. A book can give you a structure, we read from left to right, from top to bottom etc. What I am concerned with is what...Read More
Ideologies scare me. Good people can kill or be killed for ideologies. Ideologies put power in the hands of the few to steer the minds of the many. Life can be complicated and confusing at times and ideologies make things easier. Too easy! It is better to struggle with life’s choices and fail occasionally than...Read More
When the democrats try to create a healthcare system that provides quality even for the poor it is deemed (at best) as a liberal experiment by republicans. I guess an example of a conservative experiment would be when our previous president took us to war to prevent the use of nuclear weapons by a nation...Read More
Airports are interesting, so full of expectations and potential. Everyone here is on their way. I don’t know where but somewhere. By the looks of it some of them don’t want to go where ever they are going and others can’t wait to get there. There may be no other place where we are so...Read More
Jan Guillou, a famous Swedish journalist and author, said the other day in an interview that he starts each day by reading several newspapers including a leading business newspaper (Dagens Industri = Daily Industry). Being a staunch socialist Jan felt compelled to explain that he wants to keep an eye on the opposition. I like...Read More
There were quite a few of you that wrote to me and ask me to translate my debate article in Dagens Nyheter (Daily News) one of Swedens largest daily newspapers. Obviously, the article is written of a Swedish public but I am afraid the problems I highlight are equally challenging in many other countries. The...Read More
The following link goes to a debate article I had in DN Debatt. The debate page in one of Sweden’s largest daily papers. Unfortunately, for those who don’t speak Swedish you wont understand it. Maybe I will get around to translating it for you. More
I just spent an afternoon leading a workshop with one of the most interesting companies I have been involved with in a very long time. The company is called QlikTech ( and if you haven´t heard of them yet , you will and the sooner the better for your own sake. QlikTech impressed me for...Read More
I. Remember that change is inevitable. II. Change is in itself neither good nor bad! Some changes affect us positively, some negatively and some not at all. III. There are primarily three types of change:a. Those changes we initiate ourselvesb. Those changes we did not initiate but over which we have great influencec. Those changes...Read More